It seems our daily plate keeps filling up before we know it. It starts with field trips to the beach with the preschool group. Isaac got to fly his first kite
yesterday and had his first bloody nose all in the same day. We took a tip up to Fort Worden State Park, where we walked on the beach and took flash lights and explored the old WWII
bunkers that still remain (that's sounds like a strange activity to do with two to four year olds I know) . Isaac was prepared with his daddy in hand and head lamp on head.
I have to admit now that I have started quilting it is a bit addictive, as many new crafts are. So I have found a little time for that. I seem to be making random squares of animals.
I have promised our garden club that I would keep a daily blog (that hasn't happen obviously) of my gardening habits. So I will try and be diligent from now on, scouts honor (I'm not really a scout but it still sincere). Now I don't get into the garden everyday and blogging about it everyday just might embarrass me a little on how late I actually do get things into the ground, but if it's for the sake of helping another gardener out, what the heck tease away. Today while I didn't do much I added another section of a row of Swiss chard, secession planting works well for chard. I started another round of dill and basil in the green house on heat pads, this is about two weeks after the first sowing I did and that's it (I said I didn't get to much today). Well I hear someone up from their nap, gotta run. Hope your garden is growing!
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