Pinch me, I must be dreaming. Not one, not two, but three glorious, sunny days to spend in the garden (in April!). And what do I have to show for those days? Note nearly as much as I would like. It is easy to feel discouraged when you look at all there is to do, I keep looking at the box full of seed packets waiting to be planted, but if you t
The rhubarb has just taken off with these few days of warm
weather and I can't wait till it's ready to pick, we make an awesome dessert with shortbread crust, rhubarb custard filling and meringue topping (it's not too complicated, really) and I love to make rhubarb raspberry jam from berries we froze last year, can't seem to grow enough rhubarb.
The first half of the peas are up and growing and the buds are out on the fruit trees in the orchard. The asparagus in the green house looks great. I am particularly proud of it since it is seed saved from our asparagus patch.
My heirloom tomato forest seems to be happy (lets see if I can keep it that way). The potato hills, more like potato mountains (we got a little carried away), haven't sprouted yet, but at least they are there and mostly planted.
By they way in case you were wondering how the preschool silent auction went, it was a hit. We could have used a lot more people to attend but as it way we made close to $1000 for our little preschool, it think the bake sale was the biggest hit. Thanks everybody! Well, can't waste (I mean spend) any more time inside on this computer, I must go out into the sun and get my vitamin D for the next month. Happy growing!
1 comment:
Hi! We met at the gardening club last night. I was going to see if your email was on here but couldnt find it. I was going to send you some info about the breed of ducks I have. My email is:
my blog:
Take care, Jennifer Clark
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